Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009


One of the many silly faces of the bean trying to make me laugh :o)

This post is a day late but forgive me, I have a sick kitty and piles of to-dos.

I am so thankful for:
*My incredible husband who can fix anything, makes me laugh everyday and is the most wonderful father to our son
*My beautiful family that wrap their arms around me with their love and support everyday
*Amazing friends that are always there
*My faith and the knowledge that God is molding me and refining me to be a better person and better Christian as each day passes
*A safe and comforting home that we are turning into a haven for our family
*Joe's job that allows me to be with Charlie everyday and provides our family with money for the necessities and more
*the good health of all those I hold so dear
*my sweet kitty Malcolm

and of course, my sweet little bean, who makes everyday an adventure. Watching his eyes open up and discover the world is such a gift and reminds me of how even the little things in life are miraculous too.

I had to share this last little tidbit: today I got my first spontaneous hug from my little boy. Yes, he has come to me to share his love in other ways (pressing his forehead to mine, etc), but today Joe took him to Home Depot for a little outing. When they came back I was cleaning up at the sink and Charlie came right up behind me and gave my legs a big hug, totally unprompted. It melted my heart.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I decided I wanted to make my own wreath this year, instead of buying a new one like I've done season after season. When I looked at Homegoods the prices of the nicer wreaths were ranging from $50-$75, kinda hard to justify for fake (or real for that matter)!

So I made a trip over to Michael's, coupons in tow, and bought a basic $5 fake fir 'frame' and then I bought a bunch of little swags that looked more like real greens. Some ribbon, a set of Walmart silver balls, florist's wire and battery-pack lights and I had all the major necessities.

I know she isn't perfect, the symmetery may be off a little, but I was never into the Martha level of perfection. Knowing I made it with my own hands for half the price is satisfying enough.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great grandpa

There's been radio silence on this blog for a while because Joe's grandfather became very ill last week and was transferred to a hospice care center. Joe's grandfather passed away on Tuesday night. He was 93 and was one of the kindest men I have ever met. He always had a funny joke to share, a quick witted remark and a sparkle in his eye. I already see some of his great sense of humor in Charlie. I have comfort in knowing he is at peace and with his wife and savior.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mini Table & Chairs Before & After

My sister Kristen gave me a table and set of chairs for the bean (thanks Kris!). He has been trying to find items throughout the house to sit down on so he can"read". He has turned over trucks, pots, and baskets- not so comfy! One of our gifts for him this Christmas is going to be this set:

Since we will be renovating the kitchen next year (hopefully) to a beachy white look I figured I would paint the set so it will fit in with the future kitchen. Here's my after:

Not a perfect paint job by any means, but I think those days are over since I can only paint when Charlie naps! It will be perfect for him to enjoy reading, coloring and maybe even some play-doh-ing :o)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tile Love

If it's possible to be in love with tile then I have fallen hard.

There is something about a basketweave and it's neat, orderly design that speaks to my heart; a heart that thrives on organization. I picked up this lovely and 15 others like her today at the tile store (along with a mountain of 12x12 carrara and some carrara chair rail).

She will adorn the floor of our shower. I wish I could afford more of her but this little lady comes with a high price tag.

Polished Carrara & Bardiglio Basketweave=Pure Bliss. Worth.Every.Penny.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A day in the life of...

Tonight I am so completely exhausted. Exhausted from Joe's trip away, dealing with a sick bean (he has developed a cough from his ear infection/cold), and I feel like I may be getting a cold. I have that scratchiness in the back of my throat and bone tired feel.

Joe flew back in town late last night which led to an even later night because we wanted to catch up. Then Charlie woke up at 6am which literally felt like a smack in the face. Gosh now I'm thinking of the days when he was up every two hours- not sure how I pulled myself through LOL.

Anyways, I'm babbling but the point (and yes there is one) of this post was that five minutes ago when Joe relieved me of my motherly duties for the bedtime routine I decided I would write a list. A simple little roll of all the things I can remember I did today. And here it is:

  • feed Charlie breakfast
  • feed Malcolm
  • make lunch for joe
  • wrap a couple gifts for a friend
  • change charlie into clothes for the day
  • change three diapers
  • give charlie his meds
  • play
  • read books
  • sort, wash and fold four large loads of laundry
  • organize laundry area
  • make snack for charlie
  • read more books
  • put charlie down for a nap
  • vacuum two rooms
  • complete menu planning for next week and research some ideas for winter months in cookbooks and online
  • write out shopping list for two stores
  • clip coupons
  • research weekly sales at store
  • clean up all toys
  • sweep the floor
  • very short nap for the bean change him two or three more times for the day
  • make lunch for the bean
  • go food shopping to two stores
  • unload car
  • clean out fridge
  • take out three bags or garbage
  • play more and read more books
  • take left over rotisserie chicken and shred meat and then freeze for enchiladas next wk
  • make snack for charlie
  • cut, core, slice 10 cps of apples that need to be eaten and make large apple crisp
  • play
  • check email quickly!
  • make homemade pizza since cheese will not last for much longer before spoiling
  • clean out the sink and start dishwasher
  • play
  • make charlie dinner- he refuses to eat any
  • lay on the floor for the last ten mins before Joe arrives in surrender with charlie practically jumping on my head
  • clean countertops and kitchen table
  • hand pjs, diaper and blankie to Joe and clean up Charlie's bedroom
  • blog!
And when I go to bed I will be praying for a good night's sleep!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mini design dilemma

Today I hit s little bump in the road with the design for the other bathroom reno (the bath for Charlie and guests). The bathroom is going to be a mixture of browns, somewhat similar to our old bathroom seen here:
We are flipping the colors in the room so the beadboard will be white and the walls Bleeker Beige. (FYI The color on the beadboard is actually Great Plans Gold). I made a trip to the marble/granite countertop company to make a deposit and asked for a sample so I could look at all my samples together. Here's everything with the exception of the plan white subway tile that will cover the three bath walls.
Without flash:

With flash:
I'm a little concerned the countertop color (Durango limestone) is a bit too light for the floor tile. What do you think?

The little reader

One of my sisters handed us down a great table and chair set for the bean. My plan is to spray paint it a glossy white and then give it to him officially as one of his Christmas gifts. But lately I've noticed Charlie trying to make chairs out of many of his toys. He will turn a truck on its side and then go grab a book, back his little tush up until he feels the edge of the truck and sit down to read. So adorable. So I let him have a go at one of the chairs tonight and he loved it :o)
My little book worm!


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