Saturday, May 24, 2008

Such sweet sorrow...

Went to the pediatrician today with Charlie-bean. Had to bring a poop sample for the doc to take a look. Turns out poor Charlie had some blood in his poo and is a full fledged milk and soy intolerant little boy (the blood confirmed their suspicions).

That means that, while I was allowed to limit my dairy intake before, now I have to completely eradicate any trace of dairy (and soy) from my diet now in order to keep Charlie happy and healthy. Charlie's doctor may want to put him on a different formula yet again (more elemental) and that probably means more $$$. It motivates me even more to try and be successful with the breastfeeding.

Also added to the list of foods I'm not allowed to eat- anything from a cow (including beef), soy (obviously), chocolate-that brings a tear to my eye, caffienated anything, acidic fruits, most grains and nuts, spicy foods and pretty much every type of veggie I like (they are all too gassy for Charlie's tummy). Thinking it won't be hard to lose those last few pounds of pregnancy weight- because there's not much I can eat ha, ha! I'm starting to feel like a glutton for punishment.

I do have to say that despite all the obstacles we've hit, there is a silver lining for Mommy. I lost about 20lbs in less than two weeks- and I'm thinking I've lost more since I was last weighed at the docs, because my maternity jeans are getting looser.

Tonight I will be baking cookies with light olive oil instead of butter because I cannot go a day without the sweet, warm and chewy goodness of cookies.

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