Saturday, May 24, 2008

My first 'Mom moment'

Yesterday was a long day since Charlie had had a tough night, the night before. His tummy is still adjusting to the new formula I've been supplementing with so he is up with painful gas and is mucousy/gaggy. In the morning I jumped in the shower and had Charlie set up in the bathroom, cozily nestled in his carseat. He started to fuss a bit mid way through my shower so I rushed to finish up and tend to him.

Last night as Joe and I were spending time playing with the baby I went to push a stray strand of hair behind my ear and I, err, felt something. I scratched my ear and looked in my hand to find a nice chunk of dial soap. I seriously had half a bar of soap stuck behind my ear. The real Mom moment: When I turned to Joe and said, "At least it's not spit up."

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