Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Round Two...

Port Jefferson Harbor August 2010

We just got back from a little family vacation which was wonderful and flew by all to quickly. Luckily I was able to capture some great shots so we can preserve those beautiful memories.

Unfortunately, my reproductive woes are continuing. I went in for bloodwork after the first round of meds and my doc called me while on vacation to tell me that I didn't even ovulate at all this cycle. What is going on with my body?

So she is doubling my dosage of the meds and hoping that will kick start my body to work the way it should. I had a peace pass over me after a beautiful bible study this week. A peace that reminded me that God has his own perfect plan that is better than anything I could ever envision. I'm holidng onto that and hopeful that maybe this is our month. We'll see...
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