Friday, August 14, 2009

Hooked on...Kitchen Islands

I'm dreaming of the kitchen renovation when I should be focusing on the upcoming demo and remodeling of the two upstairs bathrooms. But I have a much clearer mental picture of what I want in the kitchen, which, in turn makes it easier to daydream. Anyways, enough talk, onto the pictures:

And of course, the most lovely of lovelies:
All images except the last are from The Something's Gotta Give Kitchen was snagged from Cote De Texas' blog.


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Oh, WOW. I love these kitchens. They're all so beautiful. And of course the Something's Gotta Give kitchen is always a favorite!

Kelli said...

It's nice to dream isn't it? I love kitchen islands and can't wait to have one...someday!

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

I love kitchen islands too. Love the kitchens you selected too.


Erin said...

I love kitchen islands. These are great pictures. My kitchen isn't this big but I want to put a smaller island in there. Such a great place for informal dining!


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