Tuesday, August 4, 2009

15 month check-up

We had our 15 month check-up on Friday and my little man did great.
Unlike the last five visits, Charlie did NOT shriek when we entered the exam room.
Charlie is in the 25% for weight and 75% for height, much like his Daddy, skinny and long.
I had to share a few shots of something Charlie now enjoys--climbing into the laundry piles.
My friend added the 'decorations', which the bean thought where quite stylish :o)

This shot reminds me of that famous National Geographic picture...
must be the bean's bug-eyed look, ha!


Amanda said...

funny that our "twins" had their 15-month appts on the same day. go charlie! healthy and happy!

Jenna said...

Your little man is so cute! Glad he did well at his check-up! I like your blog too :)


Kelly said...

Amanda, Ethan gets cuter by the day!

Thanks Jenna, just check out your blog, and your boys are so handsome.


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