Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning

It's been a little crazy over here at the homestead between house inspections, putting our house on the market, cleaning and decluttering, sprucing up the inside and outside wherever we can and oh yeah taking care of the bean too.

And I am seriously missing my play yard/baby prison/safe containment. It basically took up our whole living room- not so appealing to people who are looking to see how spacious the rooms are. On the positive side, I will probably shed some poundage chasing Charlie up and down the hallway!

All fun exciting things though. Last night I lay restless in bed for hours, full of happy energy because I'm so excited for this new change and direction in our life. Needless to say I am sooo tired tonight because I barely slept- so off to dreamland I go *hopefully*!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Aww! I am so excited for you!


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