It's been a crazy week over here and I've had barely any time to catch my breath. Still going back and forth on that house we made a bid on, but I could make a post out of that story alone.
Tuesday night I had a book club get together with some other lovely Mommy friends of mine. Around ten pm Joe called me and I heard Charlie wailing in the background- not good.
Poor guy ended up having yet another ear infection. And now I'm thinking the new meds they gave me are aggravating his reflux. Ugh.
Yesterday was one of "those" days. Joe had to fly out last minute to California for work in the midst of me going to the doctor with a very unhappy baby. I am such a wus when it comes to my husband being out of town. I become one huge emotional stressball. Thank God my Mom came down and saved the day, she helped me immensely, in ways I cannot express. Thank you Mom :o)
I was trying to rush through Stop & Shop to pick up Charlie's antibiotics and get home to say goodbye to Joe (so he could make it to the airport on time) . It was a comedy of errors. Huge lines in the middle of the day, they had my insurance info all messed up so it took a half hour longer than the 20 mins it usually takes, everyone was moving as slow as molasses. I could feel my blood pressure rising...
Tonight my bean was fit to be tied. He cried for nearly two hours. I tried all the tricks and then I gave him maalox and he fell asleep in my arms. Needless to say my first call of the morning will be to my pedi about those meds.
I'd like to end on a few positive notes:
next week is SPRING, thank the Lord!
My little guy has the brightest smiles when he wakes up from his naps
I can't wait for Saturday to see my dear Joe. I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful supportive helpful husband who is as smitten with our little boy as I am.
Saturday Joe and I are celebrating our five year anniversary and it just keeps getting better.
I'm a lucky girl...