Monday, September 29, 2008

I think we're teething...

Charlie has two little bumps on the bottom portion of his gums. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the increased crankiness/crying/reflux symptoms. Life is tough when you're a baby!

In other news, we tried on the bean's Halloween costume early and I must share a picture because my computer is finally up and running, yeah!


Unknown said...

he's so adorable. NOM NOM NOM!!! (that's me eating him all up)

i'm going to be a sexy girl mad-hatter. (and it actually fits!)

Danse said...

He's adorable and you look great!!

K. said...

OMG he's so cute in that costume!!!!! I love it.

Teething plus reflux? You poor dear. But you look fantastic!!!!!


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