Thursday, April 28, 2011

3 years old

Still pretty sick over here but celebrated Charlie's big day today and can't believe what a big boy he is becoming. I'm such a lucky Mama. Will write more when I am feeling well, which will hopefully be soon.
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Greener than Kermit

I haven't posted since our announcement because I have been so nauseous I have been barely functioning.  Having to take care of Charlie while this sick has been really hard.  I am on Zofran, B6, tried sea bands, ginger candy, saltines, etc and it is still horrible and 24/7- at times waking me in the middle of the night.  I am really hoping this phase will pass quickly because the days feel like weeks and my only escape is sleep.

Thank God Joe has picked up the slack in every department.  He has been helping with cleaning, laundry and cooking (breakfast for dinner)or picking up food.  The house is definitely not up to Mommy's level of expectation, but it will have to do for now and I'm just thankful I have a husband that will help in every way he can.  And my definition of a clean house borders on the slightly OCD.

We have a lot of social activities coming up in the next few weeks from hosting a shower to Easter and some stuff during the week as well.  I am just hoping I can keep it together!

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