I have come to the conclusion that I will never be able to take perfect house shots of our 99.9% nearly completed bathrooms, because I have a sweet super-active toddler and wonderful husband and I would rather spend time with them in place of constantly cleaning and de-cluttering. So here's the closest I can get!
Charlie's Bath:

I have two rugs but Charlie peed all over the the other one last night at bath time LOL. Oh and we just got our towel bar that needs to go up below the window, Joe will do that tonight. I haven't been able to bring accessories in and add some more personality but you can get an idea of where it will be at some point in the distant future.

A painting my Mom completed that I just had framed.

And, because I can't resist, a shot of the bean in our bedroom
pretending to read after a shower with Daddy.

Have a great Father's Day Weekend!